2009年9月-2013年7月 西北农林科技大学,杨凌,本科,林学
2013年9月-2019年7月 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,北京,博士,遗传学,导师:高彩霞 研究员
2019年7月-2021年6月 中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所,北京,博士后,植物基因组编辑,导师:高彩霞 研究员
2021年7月-至今 中国农业大学,农学院,教授,博士生导师
1. Zong Y 1, Liu Y1, Xue C1, Li B, Li X, Wang Y, Li J, Liu G, Huang X, Cao X, Gao C (2022) An engineered prime editor with enhanced editing efficiency in plants. Nature Biotechnology, doi: 10.1038/s41587-022-01308-z.
2. Guo M1, Wang Q1, Zong Y1, Nian J, Li H, Li J, Wang T, Gao C, Zuo J (2021) Genetic manipulations of TaARE1 boost nitrogen utilization and grain yield in wheat. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 48(10):950-953.
3. Lin Q1, Jin S1, Zong Y1, Yu H1, Zhu Z, Liu G, Kou W, Wang Y, Qiu, J.L, Li J, Gao C (2021) High-efficiency prime editing with optimized, paired pegRNAs in plants. Nature Biotechnology, 39(8):923-927.
4. Wang S1, Zong Y1, Lin Q1, Zhang H1, Chai Z, Zhang D, Chen K, Qiu JL, Gao C (2020) Precise, predictable multi-nucleotide deletions in rice and wheat using APOBEC-Cas9. Nature Biotechnology, 8(12):1460-1465.
5. Lin Q1, Zong Y1, Xue C1, Wang S, Jin S, Zhu Z, Wang Y, Anzalone AV, Raguram A, Doman JL, Liu DR, Gao C (2020) Prime genome editing in rice and wheat. Nature Biotechnology, 38(5):582-585. (Recommended in F1000Prime).
6. 宗媛,高彩霞. 碱基编辑系统研究进展. 遗传, 2019, 41(9): 777-800.
7. Jin S1, Zong Y1, Gao Q1, Zhu Z, Wang Y, Qin P, Liang C, Wang D, Qiu J, Zhang F, Gao C (2019) Cytosine, but not adenine, base editors induce genome-wide off-target mutations in rice. Science, 364, 292-295.
8. Zong Y1, Song Q1, Li C, Jin S, Zhang D, Wang Y, Qiu JL, Gao C (2018) Efficient C-to-T base editing in plants using a fusion of nCas9 and human APOBEC3A. Nature Biotechnology, 36, 950-953.
9. Zong Y1, Wang Y1, Li C, Zhang R, Chen K, Ran Y, Qiu J, Wang D, Gao C (2017) Precise base editing in rice, wheat and maize with a Cas9-cytidine deaminase fusion, Nature Biotechnology, 35, 438-440. (Recommended in F1000Prime).
10. Li C1, Zong Y1, Wang Y1, Jin S, Zhang D, Song Q, Zhang R, Gao C (2018) Expanded base editing in rice and wheat using a Cas9-adenosine deaminase fusion. Genome Biology, 19, 59.
11. Zhang Y1, Liang Z1, Zong Y1, Wang Y, Liu J, Chen K, Qiu J, Gao C (2016) Efficient and transgene-free genome editing in wheat through transient expression of CRISPR/Cas9 DNA or RNA. Nature Communications, 7, 12617.
12. Li C, Zong Y, Jin S, Zhu H, Lin D, Li S, Qiu JL, Wang Y, Gao C (2020) SWISS: multiplexed orthogonal genome editing in plants with a Cas9 nickase and engineered CRISPR RNA scaffolds. Genome Biology, 21(1):141.
13. Li C1, Zhang R1, Meng X1, Chen S, Zong Y, Lu C, Qiu JL, Chen YH, Li J, Gao C (2020) Targeted, random mutagenesis of plant genes with dual cytosine and adenine base editors. Nature Biotechnology, 38(7):875-882.
14. Zhang R1, Liu J1, Chai Z, Chen S, Bai Y, Zong Y, Chen K, Li J, Jiang L*, and Gao C* (2019) Generation of herbicide tolerance traits and a new selectable marker in wheat using base editing. Nature Plants, 5, 480-485.
15. Wang Y, Zong Y, and Gao C* (2017). Targeted mutagenesis in hexaploid bread wheat using the TALEN and CRISPR/Cas systems. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1679, 169-185.
16. Liang Z, Zong Y, and Gao C* (2016). An efficient targeted mutagenesis system using CRISPR/Cas in monocotyledons. Current Protocols in Plant Biology, 1, 329-344.
17. Li J1, Meng X1, Zong Y, Chen K, Zhang H, Liu J, Li J, Gao C (2016) Gene replacements and insertions in rice by intron targeting using CRISPR/Cas9. Nature Plants, 2 (10), 16139.